Discover a world of shopping at Beaugrenelle Paris
There’s a wealth of shopping experiences available to you in Paris. From the Golden Triangle and its haute couture brands to department stores and the concept stores of the Marais, everyone will find something to give them a browsing and buying buzz. But today your Hotel Eiffel Blomet team invites you to discover a particular favourite of theirs: the Beaugrenelle Paris shopping centre.
A mall in a class of its own
Opened in 2013, Beaugrenelle boasts intriguing and audacious architecture. Curvaceous and using bold elliptical lattices, it gives pride of place to natural light. Its green roof hosts an exceptional biodiversity and even has beehives. Within the mall, works of art such as the Grand Mobile by Xavier Veilhan enhance the surroundings. The Beaugrenelle offers you a different kind of shopping experience, in an elegant setting, in natural light and in a more eco-responsible environment.
Shopping and relaxation
At the Beaugrenelle you will find typically Parisian brands such as Les Galeries Lafayette and Lacoste, as well as major international labels, including H&M, Zara, Nike and many more... You can also check out the latest pop-up store innovations. These ephemeral stores, replaced every few months, invite you to discover new brands and emerging designers. The Beaugrenelle even has cinemas and restaurants so you can relax and replenish when you’re ready to take a break from all that retail action.
About twenty minutes on foot from your Hotel Eiffel Blomet you can discover the newest shopping centre in Paris: Beaugrenelle. With a sharp selection of shops, a peaceful atmosphere, and a varied leisure offer, it redefines the concept of shopping in Paris!
Photo crédit : © Flickr - Perry Tak with a link to the photo hosted on Flickr
Hotel Eiffel Blomet, un hotel 4 étoiles au coeur de Paris 15ème